I work with organisations such as yours to develop leadership talent organisation wide.
I can help in any or all of the following:
- Assess your current leadership capabilities, assess your current needs and your future requirements.
- Architect a clear leadership training pathway for leaders and emerging leaders. Ensuring you have a leadership pipeline and the cupboards are never bare when it comes to your leadership talent.
- Equip existing leaders and emerging leaders with a variety of leadership tools they will be competent in using in their various contexts.
My working style is:
Relational – I prefer to build with organisations over the long haul, working ‘alongside’ and ‘with’, rather than a ‘gun for hire’ who ‘sprays and walks away’. I see myself as part of your team with a passion to see great outcomes.
Strength-Based – Focusing on strengths and developing those within your team, helping your team become strength based in their approach to people.
Solution-focused – I focus on solutions, not the problems.
Strategic – I help link your strategy and values to what I deliver. Bespoke – Designed for your needs not a cookie cutter off the shelf model.